Scans available to download
Hello! Happy new year! I realise that it's now February and most people are already well into 2019, but I spent all January on paternity leave so I'm still getting back into the swing of things...
This is another brief post to say that, having been thwarted by a website issue at the end of last year, I have finally managed to upload the microscope scans that the model .stl files were built from. The confocal laser scanning microscope I've been using takes dozens of tightly focused, high-resolution cross-sectional slices through each pollen grain, and these slices can now be downloaded from MorphoSource, along with animations of them running through.
So, you can see how the 'flotation sacs' on pine pollen have a different structure to the rest of the grain they support...
...admire the columellae within the walls of ox-eye daisy pollen...
...or just enjoy watching autumn dandelion pollen coming and going:
As ever, links to the files - as well as the terms for their use - can be found on the resources page.
Enjoy! (And, of course, let me know what you do with them!)