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What's available?

An up-to-date list of the pollen types available online is available, with links to each model's Sketchfab and MorphoSource download pages (see details and terms of use below). If you're struggling to find what you're looking for, try our guide to picking pollen. And if what you need is completely missing, tell us what we should be adding to the collection!


View the models

A selection of our models can be viewed on Sketchfab – see


Download the models

Scans and 3D-printable model files are now available to download from MorphoSource. It's free to download the models, you just need to create a MorphoSource login first.

Terms and conditions

Downloads are subject to the following terms:

  • The files are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) licence.

  • This means that commercial use of the files and any of their derivatives (including physical models) is not permitted, and that 'Oliver Wilson and the 3D Pollen Project' must be acknowledged as the creator of the files. (If you would like to discuss possible commercial use of the files, please get in touch.)

  • Additionally, please notify us of what you plan to do with the files. This isn't to ask permission – it's just exciting (not to mention helpful and important) for us to know what the models are being used for! We would also love to feature your ideas, events and products on the blog. if that's of interest to you.

  • Finally, if you are planning to use the models or scans in research, please get in touch to discuss this. 

Seven tiny 3D-printed models of pollen grains held in the palm of a hand
Animated scan through two autumn hawkbit pollen grains (spheres with spikes raised on walls around their edges)
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